If (!$id('irsm_scroll_marker_rp') & rp & rp.childNodes.length) else if (ismTwc.style.

$id('reader_pane').insertBefore(ismRp, $id('reader_pane').firstChild) Var ismRp = document.createElement('div'),ĮxUpKey, exUpCode, exUpShift, exDownKey, exDownCode, exDownShift,ĮxOpenKey, exOpenCode, exOpenShift, exSpaceKey, exSpaceCode, exSpaceShift,ĮxSSpaceKey, exSSpaceCode, exSSpaceShift, articleID, iMarker, iIrkc, st Return window.alert('IRSM Error: DOM Storage') If (typeof localStorage != 'object') return window.alert('IRSM Error: DOM Storage') If (!/Ino\s?Reader/i.test(document.title)) return This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an informed decision. 'Its fast' is the primary reason people pick Inoreader over the competition. Display the marker of page scroll in InoReader. Inoreader, Tiny Tiny RSS, and Paperoak are probably your best bets out of the 30 options considered. Display the marker of page scroll in InoReader.